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Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010


 Puncak Gunung Merapi mengeluarkan awan panas atau wedhus gembel terlihat dari Dusun Gondang, Desa Balerante, Kecamatan Kemalang, Klaten, Jawa Tengah, Jumat (29/10/2010). Merapi mengeluarkan awan panas pada pukul 06.14 WIB yang diperkirakan mencapai 1,5 kilometer kearah barat. Saat keluar mulut gunung suhu awan panas bisa mencapai sekitar 1.000 - 1.100 derajat Celcius dan memiliki kecepatan luncur hingga 300 kilometer per jam.


A Sequential Approach to Decentralized
Area Development Planning
The Case of a Peripheral Water Catchment Basin in
Cameroon, West Africa
Jan Veenstra
ITC, P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The
Netherlands, Phone: +31 (0)53 4874232,
Telefax: +31 (0)53 4874399; E-mail:
1. Abstract
This paper considers local development administrations according to their general
management functions, by which policies are made, resources are allocated, and area-wide
sectoral interventions are coordinated, implemented, controlled, monitored and evaluated. In
view of the changing context of local bureaucracies, caused among other things by
decentralizing forces, a first series of propositions is launched on opposing schools of
development thought, and on blueprint versus process planning. Here, resource planners
are to reconcile principally two conflicting sets of policy options: those favoring political
stability and free-market economic growth "from above", versus those accounting for socio-
spatial equity, peoples participation, preservation of local cultural identities and natural
resource conservation "from below". A second series of propositions deals with regional
development planning "from above and below". Here, three sequential planning rounds are
suggested: turning away from narrow project-shopping-list routines, towards strategic area
planning, supported by problem- and action-oriented policy studies.
Added to this paper is a description of a reduced regional planning procedure including a
data checklist for the Tikar water catchment area in Cameroon, West Africa, which
consultants' study was funded by the EEC, Brussels.

Flower Anatomy: Different Parts of a Flower

Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

Flower Anatomy: Different Parts of a Flower

A flower consists of four major parts, namely, calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium. Here is some information about the anatomy of a flower.
A flower is the reproductive structure of an angiosperm (flowering plant). Its function is to mediate the fusion of the sperm (male gamete) and ovule (female gamete) for production of seeds. The arrangement of flowers in a stalk is called inflorescence.

Jumat, 09 April 2010

geomorfologi dasar

Some Fundamental Concept of Geomorphology
William D. Thornbury
Principles of Geomerphology

Concept 1
The same physical processes and laws that operate today operated throughout geologic time, althought not necessarilly always with the same intensity as now.
This is the underlying principle of modern geology and is known as the principle of uniformitarianism. It was first enunciated by Hutton in 1785, beautifully restated by playfair in 1802, and popularized by Lyell in the numerous editions of his principles of Geology. Hutton taught that "the present is the key to the past," but he applied this principle somewhat too rigidly and argued that geologic processes operated throughout geologic time with the same intensity as now. We know now that this is not true. Glaciers were much more significant during the Pleistocene and during other periods of geologic time than now, world climates have not always been distributed as they now are, and, thus, regions that are now humid have been desert and areas now desert have been humid, periods of crustal instability seem to have separated periods of relative crustal stability, although there are some who doubt this, and there weretimes when vulcanism was more important than now.


Network Analysis Disuatu Wilayah Kota Medan

Peta jalan kota Medan yang ber-skala 1 : 25000 ini, saya ambil beberapa titik yang ada pada jalan utuma kota Medan. Dari peta jalan ini kita dapat menganalisis jaringan jalan antar tempat yang ada di kota Medan. Analisis jaringan ini dibuat dalam bentuk tabel, yaitu tabel matriks aksesibilitas dan tabel matriks konektifitas.
Dari tabel matrik aksesibilitas dapat dilihat bahwa pada titik 2 memiliki tingkat aksesibilitas yang sangat bagus (tinggi) karena titik 2 ini mudah dijangkau / dekat dengan titik-titik lain untuk mencapai ke titik-titik yang akan dituju pada peta jalan tersebut. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada tabel matriks aksesibilitas yang menunjukkan nilai Aver yang ada bernilai 1,4.